Response Leadership

Camp Kirikau

Designed For You

This course is designed for leaders. For people who work in a response capacity – team leaders, those aspiring to be team leaders, EOC staff who are curious to see what happens on the ‘outside’.

The course is run as a full Civil Defence event scenario. Upon your arrival you are given a briefing at the Ruapehu district council EOC – then you are taken to the camp via whichever mode of transport is suitable to the weather conditions.

Course Requirements

Depending on the course you are on, you will be awarded NZQA registered unit standards after the course.

We try to keep the course as experienced based as possible but there will be some written assessment work during the program that takes place in the classrooms. There may also be pre-course reading. Our tutors are trained to help anyone with literacy and numeracy difficulties.

Course Objectives

Leadership is not something that people learn and then are great at for the rest of their lives – it is a skill that needs to be fed and nurtured continuously. This training provides a safe environment to test your abilities and learn about yourself – surprise yourself and learn from others. It is a great place for professional and personal development.

Working as Teams

As the teams mix leadership theory with practical scenario drills it allows people to see their own leadership skills and weaknesses and observe others in potentially difficult situations.

Groups work as a team and build strong relationships that carry them forward in their private and professional lives.

What to bring

You will need your sense of adventure and humour.

You will need to bring a passport or birth certificate – this is for funding compliance

We will send you out a list of the personal items that we recommend that you bring with you, you do not need to buy specialist gear.

If you are part of a response team, the PPE that you already have will be sufficient. 


The course itself is free to anyone who responds as part of a Civil Defence event, with approval from your local Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer. However, you must be a NZ citizen or resident. This means the only cost to you or your group is transport to and from Taumarunui. Contact us for non-funded course costs.

Private companies wanting to use Kirikau as a leadership camp will need to pay the course costs, just contact us and we can price up a course specific to your needs and budget.


We supply you with all your food, snacks and drinks. We do not recommend being on a calorie restrictive diet during the course as it is physically demanding.

Food is prepared as part of your team activities.

We will cater to special (medical) dietary requirements.

The camp is a smoke free and alcohol free training area.

Level of Fitness Required

You do not need to be a superman or wonder woman to cope with the physical challenges of the course.

However, you will need to be able to participate in outdoor physical activities as part of a team, in the water, bush, boat, rubble pile and trust building activities.

You will not be required to carry your gear in, this will be transported for you.

Where is Kirikau?

At the start of the course everyone meets at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), Ruapehu District Council, Huia Street, Taumarunui for a briefing.

From there you will be transported by bus, jet-boat or helicopter to the camp. There is a place in Taumaranui to keep your vehicle while you are on the course if you need it.


Live fire Training facility

We have qualified instructors that offer fire behaviour and scenario based live fire training

Ruapehu District Council EOC

Contact us now to book your course!

Email Fire Rescue and First Response

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